Al Damage's Friggin' Home Page

HEY KIDS! Check out the weak home page design Tripod provided me with!

My name's Al. I'll politely refer you to my profile on Yahoo:

Al's profile

This page is nothing more than a lame launch pad to direct you to the rest of the crap on this site. The design isn't going to get better than this. My modem only connects at 28K and I don't have the patience to screw around. So deal with it.


Wanna read some twisted crap? I contribute story segments to an ongoing collaborative tale with some equally twisted individuals on this Tripod site.

Al and author Neil Gaiman (10/02)

It Turns Out I Suck At Sales - Part 1: Cars

Coming soon, my adventures in sales! Read the first page here!

My Ex-Boss John Is A Dick

Read about how I was fired from my job in 2000!